Grayson Highlands Wild Ponies and How to Find Them

Grayson Highlands wild ponies in a snow storm. There are five ponies in the picture eating from bales of hay.
The Grayson Highlands Wild Ponies

Virginia’s state parks are consistently rated as some of the best in the nation and Grayson Highlands is no exception. With views of the two tallest mountains in the state, Mount Rogers and Whitetop mountain,(both sitting over 5,000 feet tall), access to the Appalachian trail, and the main attraction, the Grayson Highlands wild ponies, there is no shortage of things to do.

Entrance Fee

There is an entrance fee to enter the park, typically it’s $7 during the week and $10 on the weekend. You can also purchase an annual pass to all Virginia state parks through the state’s website for $85.

Grayson Highlands wild ponies in the snow. There are two dark brown ponies looking at the camera
Why do these ponies look like my middle school crush?
Trailhead to the Rhododendron Trail. There is a winding trail and snow on the ground. At the beginning of the path is a trail kiosk with information.
Start of the Rhododendron trail
A mother and her foal at Grayson Highlands state park
A mother and her foal

Finding the Ponies

The History of Grayson Highlands Wild Ponies

In the 1970s twenty ponies were introduced to help maintain the land that was cleared before the region was turned into a park. There are now over 100 ponies and 10-15 herds in the Highlands. Most of the year they roam free, however, they are rounded up annually to be checked by veterinarians. During this time some of the foals are separated and sold at auction. This helps prevent overpopulation and protects both the ponies and the native wildlife.

Recommended Trail for Finding Ponies

I asked at the park entrance which trail was best for finding the ponies and was told to hike the Rhododendron Trail. The trail is only about 0.6 miles out and back, however, the horses could be anywhere along that trail or further up the mountain on connecting trails. You may end up traveling a few miles further depending on where the horses are. You can read more details about my experience finding the wild ponies here!

Parking for the Rhododendron Trail

As you can see on the map to the right, there is parking available for the trail at Massie Gap. To get there simply drive straight from the park entrance for a couple miles. You’ll likely notice quite a few cars on your right once you’ve reached the right place. There are facilities a short distance from the parking area.

Safety Precautions

The park asks that you “keep wildlife wild” by not feeding or petting the horses. They recommend keeping a distance of around 40 feet (approximately the distance of 1 school bus) from the horses.

There is little service within the park so download any navigational tools you may need before visiting. You’ll be provided with a map at the park entrance but not every trail is marked so plan your route ahead of time, and make sure you have a good understanding of what your surroundings will be.

How Much Time do you Need to Find the Highland Ponies

It’s impossible to know in advance where the ponies will be along the trail so if you want a better chance of finding them give yourself at least half a day. There’s plenty of other activities in the park so if you have the time it may be worth checking out some of their camping facilities and spending a few days!

When To Visit the Grayson Highlands Wild Ponies

The park is open through the winter, and you can find the ponies here year round as well! I visited in November and was met with a whiteout snow storm so make sure you’re prepared for all weather conditions. Keep in mind that the park is at a high elevation. The entrance sits at 3,698 feet and once you’ve gotten to the visitors center you’ll have reached almost 5,000 feet. The weather conditions may not be the same there as they are outside the park.

Wild Ponies at Grayson Highlands State Park in a snow storm

Other Activities in the Park

The wild ponies may be the main attraction, but there are so many other activities worth making time for! Mount Roberts, the tallest mountain in Virginia at 5,728 feet, is accessible via a fairly easy trail in the park. The park also has a number of bouldering spots as well as three waterfall hikes, and mountain biking trails. There’s really no shortage of activities for outdoor lovers!

If you still have any questions about the Grayson Highlands wild ponies, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer it. Have you ever seen wild ponies? I’d love to hear about it!

When visiting these beautiful places in nature please remember to always leave no trace. If you are unfamiliar with these principles you can check them out here.

Land Acknowledgement: Land of the Moneton, S’atsoyaha (Yuchi), Cheraw, and Yesan (Tutelo) People. You can learn more about whose land you’re using by referencing the Native Land app. Please consider taking some time to look into the history of the area, and if you’re able, donating to local indigenous organizations.

Trail: Rhododendron Trail

Length: Varies depending on where the horses are, the first section is about 0.3 miles long.

Difficulty: Moderate with slight uphill

Parking: Lot at Massie Gap

Hours: 8AM to 10 PM

Camping: Yurts, bunkhouses, and campsites available

Directions: Click here for Google Maps